Doors always open
The doors to the Les Trois Toits winery are always open. You’re welcome to come and meet us, preferably in the late afternoon from 5pm, and on Saturday mornings to buy our wines.
A walking map is available for those wishing to explore our vineyards.
We also offer social events, for which an appointment is preferable.
After an explanation of the work cycle from vine to winery and a tour of the premises, we offer a tasting of our wines. Several themes can be chosen: terroirs, ageing methods, ageing times …. The theme is decided in advance of the tasting.

Dinner in the vineyards
During the summer months, we offer dinner in the vineyards. Dinner is served buffet-style. The wine is served and commented on directly at the table.

Sharing passion and know-how
Put on your boots, join us on our vineyard plots and push open the door to our winery, and join us in pruning, green harvesting and blending. Let’s get together and share our passion and know-how. Over the course of a complete cycle, you’ll leave with your own cuvée; for an evening, you’ll taste our wines in our vineyards.
In order to share our practices and know-how, we have designed workshops that fit into our cycle of work from soil to wine. These three workshops can be run independently, but are of particular interest if they are all carried out over the course of a year.
The workshops are offered to individuals interested in learning about and sharing our practices. They can also be tailor-made for groups (corporate teams, wine-tasting clubs, associations, families, groups of friends, etc.). In this case, the precise course of the workshops will be adapted according to the group’s objectives (reunion, learning, teambuilding, strategic reflection, etc.).

Workshop 1 – Pruning for wine
Thanks to a workshop on vine pruning, we’ll talk to you about agro-ecological systems, soil life, sap flow… we’ll share our observations, our practices, our questions, our research… you’ll quickly understand that our choices of agronomic and viticultural practices are not exclusive but inclusive, with a single objective: to achieve a sustainable balance in all our practices.
You’ll realize the long-term impact of something as simple as the flick of a pruning shear.
With us, you’ll learn to take wine by the scruff of the ne
Workshop 2 – Go green
Following on from the previous workshop, you will carry out some of the green work on the plot you have been working on. De-budding, de-stemming, leaf-thinning, … Quality versus quantity, sacrificing to reinforce… These are all thoughts we’ll be sharing together, always with the same objective in mind: the search for a sustainable balance.
With us, you’ll go green.

Workshop 3 – Wine blending
A few months after the frenzy of the harvest, the calm of the cellar housing the maturing wines will welcome you. Here, you’ll embark on the painstaking exercise of blending your wine into a finished, bottled and labelled product.
With your group, and according to the objectives you’ve set for yourselves, you’ll make different blends, which you’ll taste to choose the one that will win the consensus of the group. You’ll be confronted with the choice of bottles, capsules and label.
Faced with so many choices, you’ll realize that wine is a long story.
Reception – Meeting room in the winery
(spring/summer only)
½ day or 1 day
We open the doors of our cellar to those who wish to meet in a warm and original setting. The space can accommodate 12 people.
We provide tables, chairs, a projection area and a snack area.
Reception in the winecellar and vine
(spring/summer only)
½ day or 1 day
We open the doors of our winecellar to those who wish to meet in a warm and original setting. The space can accommodate 40 people standing. We can provide you with a stand-up table and a relaxation area.
A roof for an artist
You could say that the winery is to the winemaker what the studio is to the artist: a place of work, inspiration, reflection, gestation, sketches, trials and tribulations… quite simply, a place of creation. These two activities have a similar creative approach.
The Domaine Les Trois Toits winery has been built over the years using local materials found on site: shale stone walls, hand-dug underground glass vats. From August to October, this 200m2 space is used for the year’s harvest and winemaking. Outside this short but intense period, the hustle and bustle gives way to the calm and serenity needed to mature the wine.

During this period, we open the doors of our winery to one or two artists wishing to present their work to the public. The size of the space and the walls, the volumes and the zenithal light offer a space allowing the installation of large-format works for a period of about a month. In this way, we offer artists the chance to freely take possession of our workspace, inviting them to design works in keeping with the space we make available. It’s a kind of co-production, based on a genuine spirit of professional and human exchange.
By crossing two activities and two universes, we hope to mix several audiences and create unique encounters and exchanges.

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on Instagram !
Every time we meet you, we share some news about the estate and its development. On a weekly basis, we communicate on social networks, aiming to deliver content that allows readers to understand a little more about the story behind each bottle of wine.
🇫🇷 Tels Keraban, le Tétu, profil de caractère de Jules Verne, nous sommes venus à bout de notre idée : produire un grand vin rouge de garde à Vertou 🍷.
Partis d`une friche viticole en 2019, c`est un écosystème puissant que nous avons bâti avec sur une parcelle plein sud, sur un sol de schiste, avec 100 arbres, 10 000 ceps, un drainage parfait par couvert végétal, un léger travail du sol au cheval...
Rien pour nous faciliter la tâche : des arbres et des ceps qui ne rentrent dans aucune case du casier viticole du douanier, une densité et une organisation qui sort des cahiers des charges d`appellation, ...
Nous avons tenu tête et sommes aussi fiers que Keraban le têtu !
1000 bouteilles uniquement... soyez agile et rusé comme Keraban, appelez pour réserver !
🇺🇸 Like Keraban, the Tétu, Jules Verne`s character profile, we have come to the end of our idea: to produce a great red wine for ageing in Vertou 🍷.
Starting out on a winegrowing wasteland in 2019, we built a powerful ecosystem on a south-facing plot of schist soil, with 100 trees, 10,000 vines, perfect drainage by plant cover, light tillage with horses...
There was nothing to make our task easier: trees and vines that didn`t fit into any of the boxes in the customs officer`s vineyard register, a density and organization that went beyond the appellation specifications...
We stood our ground and are as proud as Keraban the stubborn!
1000 bottles only... be nimble and cunning like Keraban, call to reserve!
#lestroistois #vertou #winemaker #vigneronindependant #domaineviticole #nantes #vigneron #nantes #agroecologie #agricultureresponsable

🇫🇷 Soussolage, émiettement : Voilà le travail de surface que l`on pratique pour préparer nos sols en évitant le labour.
La future plantation de la Ville au Blanc est prévue au Printemps 2025 avec de nouveaux cépages🌱.
🇺🇸 Subsoiling, ploughing, crumbling: This is the surface work we do to prepare our soils, avoiding ploughing.
The future planting of Ville au Blanc is scheduled for Spring 2025 with new varietals🌱.
#lestroistois #vertou #winemaker #vigneronindependant #nantes #agroecologie #vitiforesterie #villeaublanc #agricultureresponsable

🇫🇷 Sans boire la coupe jusqu`à la lie, cette dernière nous occupe cependant ces derniers temps : on soutire notre RedHot 2024 pour retirer la lie le temps de l`élevage 🍇.
En revanche, pour Muscadet Sèvre et Maine 2024, on remet la lie en suspension dans le vin pour apporter matière et `gras` pendant l`élevage.
🇺🇸 Without drinking the cup to the dregs, the latter has been keeping us busy of late: we rack our RedHot 2024 to remove the dregs for the duration of the ageing process.
On the other hand, for Muscadet Sèvre et Maine 2024, we put the lees back into suspension in the wine to add substance and `fatness` during ageing.
#lestroistoits #vertou #vignoblenantais #winelover #winemaker #wine #muscadet #melondebourgogne #muscadet #sevreetmaine #VinsdeNantes

🇫🇷 Où l`on parle de nous en bûcherons, ce qui ne déplaît pas aux coureurs des bois que nous fûmes !
Un article très justement écrit par Alexandre Abellan pour le magazine @vitisphere.
Lire l`article 👉 (lien en bio)
🇺🇸 Where they talk about us as lumberjacks, which doesn`t displease the coureurs des bois that we once were!
An article written by Alexandre Abellan for Vitisphère magazine.
#lestroistois #vertou #winemaker #vigneronindependant #domaineviticole #nantes #vigneron #nantes

🇫🇷 Moment suspendu privilégié au restaurant @bairoz_nantes au cours duquel nous observons Estelle et Jérôme dans leur univers de gastronomie de haut vol 🍴.
Ce sont 20 convives curieux et intéressés qui s`étaient inscrits pour cette E-Paulée, qui sont repartis heureux !
🇺🇸 A privileged moment of suspension at the Bairoz restaurant, during which we observe Estelle and Jérôme in their world of high-flying gastronomy.
20 curious and interested guests signed up for this E-Paulée and left happy!
#lestroistois #winemaker #vigneronindependant #wine #vin #nantes #vigneronindependant #naturalwine #vinsnaturels #gastronomie #ilovemuscadet #vinsdenantes

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In addition, we create a newsletter, which we publish 5 times a year, to share our news with those of you who prefer to sit back and read.
Enjoy your reading, stay tuned and keep in touch.