Vigne bio avec des fleurs entre

Agricultural practices

Organic, biodynamic and agroecology

With common sense and pragmatism, we reason our viticulture from the soil to the plant. This means making the greatest possible effort to maintain a living soil. One cm3 of soil contains several billion living organisms. Mushrooms, bacteria, earthworms and insects all contribute to the proper functioning of our soil, which we regard as a larder. We respect it as such by never ploughing it, by covering our vine rows with plant cover which is destroyed on the surface. They structure and aerate the soil, provide organic matter (food for the inhabitants) and protect it from the wind, sun and heat.

Finally, we regularly add calcareous marl to maintain a good chemical balance.

Personne qui travaille entre les vignes en tenant un cheval

Our plant cover is rich in melliferous plants: red clover, sweet clover, buckwheat and broad bean attract insects and, by extension, birds. Similarly, small mammals and reptiles populate our vines thanks to the food available and the habitat encouraged and preserved by our practices. Beehives set up on the edge of our plots also contribute to the vigour of the environment.

This biodiversity is also stimulated by the many trees on the estate. From the practice of agroforestry to the agro-ecological park encompassing woodland, copses, meadow strips, ponds and wild open spaces, trees are at the centre of our thinking and are our major asset for regulating the environment and absorbing climatic hazards as effectively as possible.

Our aim in promoting biodiversity is to maintain a healthy, balanced and resilient growing environment. Our vines sometimes face competition, but this strengthens their defences and their ability to adapt. We seek balance for our grapes, so that they are perfectly ripe at harvest time and reflect the terroir and the vintage.

The climatic context encourages us to consider water as an essential element of our agricultural system. Too much rain all at once, not enough in winter, summer drought, wet winter, etc. The water situation is far from linear.

We collect the rainwater that falls on our winery to carry out our treatments during the growing season.

Fleurs et arbre
Champ avec des poteaux pour les vignes

Our soils, which are covered and protected from intrusive mechanical work, are capable of absorbing water as it falls and storing it so that it can be released over time, as our vines need it.

Trees are also an invaluable tool for managing water resources. They structure the soil, allowing infiltration and capillary rise according to the needs of the crop.

Our agro-ecological practices enable us to store 240% of our carbon emissions for the production of our grapes in the soil. However, we are constantly thinking about how to optimise our energy consumption. Our agricultural work is rational and economical, in terms of the number of operations and the tools we use. Our tractors consume very little fuel, and we use horse-drawn vehicles to reduce our consumption even further.

Finally, elbow grease is a remarkable way of reducing consumption! Pickaxes, hoes, spades, rakes and backpack sprayers are our everyday tools.

Personnes qui préparent un champ pour les vignes
Groupe de personnes avec des seaux en arrière plan
Personne en nacelle et panneau publicitaire pour les trois toits
Un homme qui est dans les vignes
Rang de vignes avec des personnes qui récoltent
Personnes entre les vignes
🇫🇷 Sous l’œil de la curiosité 👀.

Inspection de notre jarre en grès avant encuvage de notre cuvée Cyrus.

🇺🇸 Under the eye of curiosity.

Inspecting our stoneware jar before vatting our Cyrus cuvée.

#lestroistois #Vertou #Biopythos #CeramiqueIconique2024 @biopythos.amphores
🇫🇷 Bienvenue en terre agricole !

Nous vous attendons nombreux au domaine.
Au programme :

- Atelier De la vigne au verre, 10h à 12h
- Apportez votre pique-nique pour déjeuner dans notre chai, de 12h30 à 14h
- Assemblez votre vin, créez votre cuvée et repartez avec votre bouteille, de 14h à 15h30

Rendez-vous pour prendre vos places sur 👉

📆 Samedi 12 octobre, de 9h à 18h
🎫 Gratuit sur réservation

🇺🇸 Welcome to agricultural land!

We look forward to seeing you at the estate.

- From vine to glass workshop, 10am to 12pm
- Bring your own picnic lunch to enjoy in our winery, 12:30 to 2 p.m.
- Assemble your own wine, create your own cuvée and leave with your own bottle, 2pm to 3:30pm

📆 Saturday, October 12, 9am to 6pm
🎫 Free on reservation

#lestroistois #winemaker #vigneronindependant #vignoblenantais #wine #vin #nantes @villedevertou  #vigneronindependant #domaineviticole #agriculturebiologique #naturalwine #vinsnaturels

In addition, we create a newsletter, which we publish 5 times a year, to share our news with those of you who prefer to sit back and read. 
Enjoy your reading, stay tuned and keep in touch.