Vignes avec un couché de soleil en arrière plan


From the vineyard

In the vineyard, we strive to bring out the best in our terroir, which is both Loire and Nantes. This quest is achieved through advanced agro-ecological practices aimed at balance and diversity.

The notion of terroir is the essence of our thinking and the basis of our actions. We approach our terroir in its geographical dimension, obviously, due to its immediate proximity to the Loire, but also to the Atlantic Ocean.

Our terroir is also a place where we live and work every day. It’s made up of the men and women who nurture it, on a living soil that gives us the best, in a rich and diverse environment.

Our terroir is the combination of our winemaking know-how, production techniques, soil, topography, climate, biodiversity and landscape.

Situated in the west of France, in the Pays de la Loire region, the town of Vertou enjoys a temperate oceanic climate. This type of climate is characterised by moderate temperatures, fairly regular rainfall throughout the year and the absence of extreme seasons. 

However, climate change has made itself felt in recent years, with long periods of drought, abnormally high temperatures in summer and a drying easterly wind regime. We are incorporating these changes into our agricultural thinking and practices in order to adapt rather than fight.

chemin en hiver avec des vignes en fond

Our soils are rich and varied in texture and orientation. The bedrock is made up of more or less weathered micaschist: the foundations of the Armorican massif are emerging, giving us diversity and minerality. On the surface, the aeolian silts are rich in quartz. These soils are easy to work and allow the vines to grow deep into the soil, allowing the roots to capture the minerals in the subsoil.

Une femme accroupie dans les vignes
gros plan de la terre d'un vignoble bio
fleurs dans un vignoble bio

Melon B., also known as Melon de Bourgogne, is the dominant grape variety in our vineyard. It is the grape variety of the Muscadet Sèvre et Maine appellation, part of the Vins de Loire family. Alongside it, we grow Folle Blanche, which produces the famous Gros Plant du Pays Nantais, as well as macerated and sparkling wines using the traditional method. 

These two grape varieties are endemic to the region and form part of the Nantes heritage, of which we are proud.

In order to diversify our offer and highlight the assets of our terroir, we have planted Gamay, Côt (Malbec) and Merlot. These grape varieties produce red grapes on a south-facing slope and produce magnificent red wines, matured with precision and ambition.

Finally, to adapt to the current climate and invest for the future, we are replanting resistant varieties such as Vidal, Sélénor, Villard Blanc, Villard Noir and Chambourcin.

Seau de raisin récolté dans les vignes
Raisin avec les vignes en arrière plan
🇫🇷 Bienvenue en terre agricole !
Nous vous attendons nombreux au domaine.
Au programme :
- Atelier De la vigne au verre, 10h à 12h
- Apportez votre pique-nique pour déjeuner dans notre chai, de 12h30 à 14h
- Assemblez votre vin, créez votre cuvée et repartez avec votre bouteille, de 14h à 15h30
Rendez-vous pour prendre vos places sur 👉
📆 Samedi 12 octobre, de 9h à 18h
🎫 Gratuit sur réservation
🇺🇸 Welcome to agricultural land!
We look forward to seeing you at the estate.
- From vine to glass workshop, 10am to 12pm
- Bring your own picnic lunch to enjoy in our winery, 12:30 to 2 p.m.
- Assemble your own wine, create your own cuvée and leave with your own bottle, 2pm to 3:30pm
📆 Saturday, October 12, 9am to 6pm
🎫 Free on reservation
#lestroistois #winemaker #vigneronindependant #vignoblenantais #wine #vin #nantes @villedevertou  #vigneronindependant #domaineviticole #agriculturebiologique #naturalwine #vinsnaturels

In addition, we create a newsletter, which we publish 5 times a year, to share our news with those of you who prefer to sit back and read. 
Enjoy your reading, stay tuned and keep in touch.